General Price List
When comparing prices among funeral service providers, keep in mind that the total summation of funeral service charges are comprised of three different categories: service charges, merchandise, and cash advances. Each funeral service provider is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission Funeral Rule and must provide prices and a General Price List (GPL) upon a consumer's request.
Service charges include use of funeral home staff, facilities, and/or equipment to perform the duties required to successfully carry out the services that a family selects.
Merchandise includes, but is not limited to: caskets, outer burial containers/vaults, urns, register book/stationery packages, video tributes, keepsake jewelry, and cemetery monuments.
Cash advances are charges paid to a third party which may include, but not limited to: newspaper obituaries, certified certificates of death, opening/closing of the grave, clergy honoraria, and sales tax.
Our General Price List, posted below, includes itemization as required by the Federal Trade Commission. Because of the complexity of their requirements, you will find included on our GPL, "Funeral & Cremation Packages" that are a summation of service selections that families often choose. Merchandise nor cash advances are included in these packages but can be discussed with one of our directors for a more complete selection.
As you compare prices of funeral service providers, keep in mind that each provider determines their own prices. We place the emphasis on service and the overall value that families receive from our services; others may place the emphasis on merchandise. Just because one provider may be less expensive when comparing service charges does not indicate that when merchandise selections are added that the entire summation of charges will be less is important to compare the compilation of all categories.
As you work your way through our General Price List, if you have any questions or want to discuss services in detail, feel free to contact one of our directors for an appointment.
Click Here to Download the General Price List